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A real life story. Lessons I learnt earlier in Life that helped me


Growing up in the Lord one thing I always had at heart was to never be disobedient to the heavenly vision and the call of God on my life(Acts 26:19).

I got this understanding engrained in my heart earlier because I knew that my life was no longer my own but unto Him(Jesus) I belong. 

This Jesus had become my Lord and Savior and He owns my whole life. And that He alone has the best plan for me and He is the author and finisher of my faith, period.

This understanding guided my life and actions so much that I was careful to let anyone around me know that I’m sold out for the Lord hence there are no guarantees like normal people have, I simply live by faith in the Lord and I’m always at the beck and call of my master. If He says go I’ll go, if he says come I’ll come . That’s how simple, yet profound it is for me. 

I remember telling my wife-to-be back then that, I know God will glorify himself in us but if God sent us to some remote village or some far distant country where no one will get to know of us, where we won’t get to enjoy the city life or the normal every lady’s dream kind of life , is she ready to follow me to the place ? she should think of it before saying I do ☺️(I’m glad she actually said yes I do with joy🥰). 

Today, Looking back in time, I’ve seen how important and relevant this was for me to settle this once and for all in my life and yet this is just the beginning. I’m enjoying every bit of it though it looked uncertain at the beginning as though I’m never going to make it in life nor survive the next day. Yet it was rather an awakening to real life and real living! It was rather my flesh and it’s desires that was scared to step into the fullness of God’s plan but my spirit knew very well the sure way to life. That’s what being born again means, it is a dying to your old self and plans and resurrecting to a brand new and better life where Jesus is your Lord and has the plan for your life, for which reason you are always ready to follow Him wherever he leads you. 

Today I am growing each day to see how life cannot be lived twice and that time wasted cannot be regained. I’ve had precious meetings with old people who have lots of regret for this life and wish they could go back in time to make changes yet not possible. And still, I am yet to see a man or a woman who lived for God(not just going to church to look for material possessions and earthly things but lived for God and followed the Lord) and has regretted. And I thank God for the Spirit of wisdom that works in me. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain! 






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